Revista Granito de Arena

Let’s practice the art of living in the present

Mindfulness o Practicar el arte de vivir el momento presente Let's practice the art of living in the present
Practicing mindfulness is a valuable tool to strengthen health and improve our quality of life.

This practice invites us to be aware of the here and now, that is, to live in the present moment. Has it happened to you that you spend a lot of time thinking about what already was or foreseeing what the future will be like? Incorporating this practice into your day to day helps reduce stress and anxiety, improves attention and memory, and promotes self-regulation and empathy.

How do you get to live in the present? Simply by practicing. You can incorporate it through formal practices such as breath-based meditations, you can use apps for this purpose, such as Headspace, but you can also incorporate it into your routine through daily activities such as having a cup of tea or coffee.

Here we share an audio, if you want to try to incorporate mindfulness while enjoying your favorite drink.

Live with purpose

At a time when the circumstances of our environment have changed dramatically, it becomes complex not to worry about the things that are important to us. Living in this constant worry, not only prevents us from enjoying the present moment, but it could deteriorate our emotional and physical health. A psychologist can help you be more aware, living in the present moment. Taking care of our emotional health is just as important as when seeking help to take care of your physical health.

You want to know more

In Progreso, employees have access to psychological therapy. If you are a collaborator, do not hesitate to write to the Emotional Health coordinator Hugo Franco at and follow us on the private Facebook group “Transfórmate OH&S”.

Remember emotional health, it is a fundamental part of our well-being.

Collaboration: OH&S Cementos Progreso Team

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