Revista Granito de Arena

Ten families receive concrete slabs to improve their quality of life

Cementos Progreso, TECHO and the community of Llanos del Pinal join forces to build concrete slabs providing access to decent housing, a universal right.

The concrete slabs were built in partnership with the community, which was involved throughout the process that was carried out with responsibility in each of its stages. These slabs were built to be used as progressive housing floors, which seek to guarantee access to decent housing. This is a fundamental and universal right of all people and human groups.

Prior to the activity, the community of Llanos del Pinal was living in vulnerable conditions with limited health services, lack of paving in the main access roads, poor waste management, and overcrowded housing, meaning there was a large number of people living in insufficient space.

The project began with meetings with the community, to later select the beneficiaries, builders and helpers. Subsequently, workshops were given on human rights, organization and participation. After this the community was ready to begin construction of the 10 slabs for the 10 families. The joint effort made the project a success.

This was an experience of resilience for everyone involved, where gender equity and responsible community work were promoted. Having a concrete floor, in place of a dirt floor, has a positive impact on the health of the inhabitants of that home.

Cementos Progreso has collaborated in other community projects in Guatemala such as the construction of homes with ¨Juntos por tu Hogar¨ or the donation of bags of cement to volunteer fire companies to improve their facilities.

“I thank the people from TECHO and Cementos Progreso for the cement slab. I, for my part, am very happy and I thank God for the strength he gave me because we worked very hard with the bricklayer. Thanks for the support because everything turned out excellent».

– Elda Noemi Coyoy Mejia, beneficiary.

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