Revista Granito de Arena

Mixto Listo presents its new and improved ‘Monocapa Extra Smooth.’

mixto listo mono capa extra liso progreso latam guatemala
At the forefront of innovation, Mixto Listo presents its improved pre-mixed mortar for final finishes, which facilitates the application process on all types of surfaces previously leveled. Join us to learn more about Mixto Listo's Extra Smooth Monocapa!

One of the most enhancing processes in a construction project are final finishes. The smooth sensation a wall provides creates comfort and aesthetics both indoors and outdoors.

Monocapa Extra Liso is a product designed to enhance and facilitate the final finishing on surfaces. Its high-quality ingredients and improved formula make the application of the product easier, requiring only water to enjoy its benefits.

Maria de los Ángeles Chan, Research and Development Manager of Lime and Premixed Products at Progreso, shares the products main features and benefits.

One of the most important features of Monocapa Extra Liso is that people who use it do not necessarily have to be expert craftsmen to apply it. They just need to follow the product’s instructions and, of course, practice consistently to achieve a quality application. Additionally, it is easy to quantify, increases productivity on the construction site, and has high adhesion.

The expert points out that the product undergoes an innovation and development

process guaranteed by Mixto Listo, in addition to complying with all national regulations regarding resistance and product development for final finishes.

Tips to make the most of Monocapa Extra Liso:

  1. Adding more water to the product than indicated, reduces compression strength and adhesion. Also, do not add more water if the mixture begins to dry or harden after some time.
  2. In extreme weather conditions (sun, wind, and/or heavy rain), protect the product from the environment after application.
  3. Do not add sand or alter the product for any reason.

Shine and Whiteness in All Finishes

Monocapa Extra Liso is Mixto Listo’s new formula Mezclas Listas that allows walls to have exceptional shine and incomparable whiteness. It is important to mention that, to achieve these results, the bags’ content should be gradually mixed with the specified amount of water until a uniform consistency is obtained.
